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This week

ATTN: Dance Groups
To all Dance group participants, on behalf of the 2009 African week organizing committee, I'll like to commend you all once again for your consistent hard work and diligent sense of voluntarism in actively contributing your time for this year's African week.
We'll wish to use this opportunity to also remind all Dance Group leaders to attend the final dance audition and selection meeting on November 18,  2009 at the 2nd floor of APU's CO-OP building . The meeting will start exactly at 1430HR (2:30pm).
For further details on inquiry, contact Jasper (Event Leader). 080-3184-7205

Last week

To All Group Leaders                                                                                                                                               Wednesday,28 October
We'll like to humbly request that all Group leaders who can't make it to regular meetings or executives meetings, kindly update Jasper Mtango on your groups progress so far. Your co-operation will be sincerely appreciated.

Dance Groups Announcement                                                                                                                                Wednesday, 28 October

For the showcase tomorrow, those planning to teach the dances and recruit from the collected batch; should come and show to the rest what they want to do: This will be done by giving a sample of how its going to be like Showing videos and then sharing of opinions Below is a list of confirmed people willing to teach dances. Please come tomorrow and give a sample of what you are going to do
Gospel Bolingo (Moses)Tanzania
Wakaliro (Zablon)Kenya
Zangalewa (Yankho)Malawi
Vuta Pums (Jasper)Tanzania
HipHop & Reggae DanceHall (Tanaka)Uganda
African Salsa (Moses)Kenya
Time to Dance (Carlos)Cameroon
Afrikan national Anthem (Joseph)Ghana
 Highlights Africa - Carlos

By Carlos Vouking                                                                                                                                                    Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

Hey Dear all , AFRICANS, We should be proud of us ,coz we are really doing good. We can easily notice it from the enthusiasm and the comitment that we all express towards the coming African week...Remember we have less than a month to goooo! Recently we've got some proposals and sensitive ideas for for the "show day", they all sound great. However, it s time to put things down, meaning to be concrete and act. So i would request all of you , let's say all of those offering to teach anY particular dance, song, or whatever, to send the followings informations : - schedule for their practice - the time for practice - Roughly the number of people needed for the performance( this does not really matter, just to have some estimations) We do need to showcase the new members by tomorrow. So , please, please , allocate few seconds of your precious time in sending the previous infrmations to carlosdar2000@yahoo.fr, at 11:00 pm at the latest....ONEGAISHIMASU. Regards Be well and May God bless us ALL.

By Mtango Jasper                                                                                                                                                                                                                      2009年10月28日
Dear Leaders, Thanks for the good work you have been doing so far. Otsukaresmadeshta. Anyway i think we need to have a feedback system so we know the progress of each other. So i will like you guys to send to me or to all of us the daily or weekly updates of your respective group. This will have to solve problems in hand and also it might even eliminate the need of us to meet every time unless needed. As for tomorrow, we are planning to do a showcase to all the dances and other necessary activities to the new members who join us so they can have the chance to choice the kind of things they want to do. This will be like the official kick off to the African week. So i highly need your cooperation. So we will have a quick introduction of each group and what they are doing or intended to do and what kind of people they are looking for. I'm sorry to keep doing this but i think it's the best way for other new members and from there we will only have leaders meetings for the feedbacks. Otherwise, we have only one month ahead of us so lets make the most of it. Let's commit ourself to make this events successful.

By Tanaka                                                                                                                                                                           Monday, 26 October
Click on http://groups.google.com/group/apuafrikom/web/dances-group - or copy & paste it into your browser's address bar if that doesn't work.

By Mtango Jasper                                                                                                                                                                   October 2009

Dear Leaders, Hope your all fine and proceeding well with your dail activities and thinking more of how to make this event successful. I will like to meet with all oyf you for a quick meeting before the overall meeting at around 1:00pm today. Sorry for the short notice. Best regards, Jasper

By Kwabi Moses
                                                                                                                                                                    October 2009
HI!!! Y'all OTSUKARESAMADESHITA !!! Yeah as for the Gospel BOLINGO and Longomba dances: It was a great experience today cause so many people showed up!! and Y'all did a great job!! I appreciate that!!! We are thinking of moving to AP house from next week but We shall let Y'all know as soon as possible!!! Thanks

Previous weeks

By Mtango Jasper                                                                                                                                                                   October 2009
Dear all, First of all let me apologize again for what happened yesterday and thanks everyone for your understanding. we managed to hold a BBIQ yesterday and a meeting for those who attended the BBIQ. We agreed that the next meeting will be on Wednesday @Coop 2nd floor from 2:00 pm. Before the meeting i think the core members should know what are they going to say about their groups. I have drafted the detailed duties of various groups based on last African week and some we point out on the last meeting @ Nakasuga. i have also created member recruiting forms. The duties can be added or modified depend upon the agreement of the core leaders. So i will like to have feedback if the detailed duties are fine or if you think there should be dome modification please feel free to contact me. Please the group leaders should come up with the/ prepare more detailed plan before Wednesday so they can know what they are going to say in the meeting. attached are the weekly detailed and recruiting form. Best Regards, Jasper

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