Time of Commencement:
10:30 AM or 12:30 PM
Time of Cessation:
(depends on the commencement time)
Number of Proposed Teams:
Structures of Teams/Games
Teams consisting a maximum number
of 8 players per team
(Whom which
2 might be of different Nationalities
e.g. 6 Africans + 2 Japanese)
However, 5 players start each
4 teams per group
Timing of Fixtures
Games will range from
to 20minutes.
Why Entertainment?
The plan is to invite students and a couple of teachers, if possible the
Dean or other people in superior positions to come and watch our games. In
addition to this, with adequate entertainment I feel that we would be able
to build an African atmosphere in the gymnasium.
Planned Fixtures/entertainment
If I decide to start playing at 10:30AM
Group A
Group B
Group A Fixtures (10 Min P/Game)
A4 X A3
A1 X A3
A4 X A1
A2 X A4
A2 X A3
A1 X A2
Total time for group A = 60 mins
Group B Fixtures (10 Min P/Game)
B1 X B4
B2 X B3
B1 X B3
B2 X B4
B1 X B2
B3 X B4
Total time for Group B = 60 mins
12:30 - Group Stages - Cessation
Top 2 teams of each group advance
12:30 - 12: 35 Entertainment
12:35 Semifinals (15min P/Game)
First Group A X Second Group B
First Group B X Second Group A
Total time for Semifinals = 30 Mins
13:05 - Semifinals cessation
13:05- 13: 10 Entertainment
Third place Play offs (15mins)
Loser 1 X loser 2
13:25 Playoffs - Cessate
13:25 - 13:30 - Entertainment
Break ( 25mins )
13:55 - 14:00 - Entertainement
Finals 14:00 -14:20