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Location:                                         Gym

Time of Commencement:               10:30 AM or 12:30 PM

Time of Cessation:                          (depends on the commencement time)

Number of Proposed Teams:          8


Structures of Teams/Games

Teams consisting a maximum number of 8 players per team

 (Whom which 2 might be of different Nationalities e.g. 6 Africans + 2 Japanese)  

However, 5 players start each game. 4 teams per group


Timing of Fixtures

Games will range from                     10 to 20minutes.

 Group stages games will be             10 minutes

 Semifinals                                        15 minutes

 3rd place Playoff                              15 minutes

 Final                                                 20 minutes

 Furthermore, during the transition of stages e.g. such as Groups stages to semifinals I have proposed Entertainment   (2 - 4 minute performances, short dances would be preferred) 


Why Entertainment?


The plan is to invite students and a couple of teachers, if possible the Dean or other people in superior positions to come and watch our games. In addition to this, with adequate entertainment I feel that we would be able to build an African atmosphere in the gymnasium.


Planned Fixtures/entertainment


If I decide to start playing at 10:30AM


Group A







Group B







Group A Fixtures (10 Min P/Game)


A4 X A3

A1 X A3

A4 X A1

A2 X A4

A2 X A3

A1 X A2


Total time for group A = 60 mins



Group B Fixtures (10 Min P/Game)


B1 X B4

B2 X B3

B1 X B3

B2 X B4

B1 X B2

B3 X B4


Total time for Group B = 60 mins


12:30 - Group Stages - Cessation


Top 2 teams of each group advance


12:30 - 12: 35 Entertainment


12:35 Semifinals (15min P/Game)


First Group A X Second Group B


First Group B X Second Group A


Total time for Semifinals = 30 Mins


13:05 - Semifinals cessation


13:05- 13: 10 Entertainment


Third place Play offs (15mins)


Loser 1 X loser 2


13:25 Playoffs - Cessate



13:25 - 13:30 - Entertainment



Break ( 25mins )



13:55 - 14:00 - Entertainement



Finals 14:00 -14:20


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